Tribal Involvement
Applications for Tribal involvement.
Adopted Members
1 - 5 years Commitment
Adopted Members are individuals that have donated to the Chicora People in many ways to help perserve the heritage, culture and education etc. They are ones that have been committed for 1 - 5 years. The Chicora People do adopt all spouse in the tribe as being a family member, based on their traditional ways.
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Honorary Members
5 + years Commitment
Honorary Members are ones that have stood by the Chicora People and that dedicate in numerous areas for the future of the Chicora People. They are ones that have been committed for 5 plus years.
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Spouse Members
Married to Core Members
Spouse Members are ones that are married to Core Members of the tribe.
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Chicora Linage
Core Members
Core Members are of the same blood lines of families that are from the region of the Pee Dee Indian Tribe.
(Surnames of the Core Lines will be posted soon).
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All members
Update Your Info
All Core, Spouse, Adopted and Honorary Members need to update their info at least every two years.
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*The Pee Dee Indian Tribe does not at any time sell Enrollment Cards based upon any enrollment nor do we sell any type of membership.
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Thank you for donating to the Pee Dee Indian Tribe of S.C. Your donation will go to the tribe in helping preserve our culture, our heritage, future for our children and to educate people of the Pee Dee Indian People. No donatition will be to profit anyone member of the tribe.
Contact Us:
Pee Dee Indian Tribe S.C.
address will be listed soon